18/2/09 22:32:09 13/07/2009 14:53 13 The “X” model shows the link between what goes on internally and externally. Feel the imaginary swimming-pool water lifting your abdomen off the floor (see p16). And think “office” as well as “home” to get the most out of your stretch regime. Learn to compare the way your body stretches today to the way it stretched yesterday. For example, “Lift the imaginary swimming-pool water” asks you to press upward in the abdomen when you’re lying on your front. US_092-093_AD442.indd 93 86BB$'LQGG 17/2/09 09:50:50 94 limbering butterfly stretch 1 Butterfly stretch Stand with legs completely together and pressing the base of the big and little toes, and the middle of the heel of both feet on the floor. pull and lift posture stretch US_050-051_AD442.indd 51 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 23:49:14 52 elongating sidelying waist stretch 13 Sidelying waist stretch Lie on your side with your torso and legs in a straight line, feet pointed. heart rate. feel it here pull the knee toward the face flexibility stretch US_072-073_AD442.indd 73 86BB$'LQGG 18/2/09 12:56:06 elongating thigh sweep 74 9 Thigh sweep Take your arms overhead on the floor and bend your top knee backward. In this position, it is important to respect the “voice” of the knees and not over-stretch. TRVFF[JOHCFUXFFOUIFTIPVMEFSCMBEFT BOESPMMJOHZPVSTIPVMEFST'JSNUIFHMVUFT BOETJUVQUBMM 8PSLJOHJOBOPGmDFHJWFTZPVBHPPEPQQPSUVOJUZ UPVTFTPNFDIBJSTUSFUDIFTGSPNUIF8BLF6Q5IF 4USFUDIQSPHSBN TFFQQo 3FBDIZPVSIBOET CFIJOEZPVSIFBEBOEXJOHZPVSFMCPXTPQFOJOB DIFTUTUSFUDI*UIFMQTZPVSXPSLEBZHPGBTUFSBOE NPSFTNPPUIMZ4JUUJOHXPSLJTQSPCBCMZTPNFPG UIFNPTUUJSJOH BOEJUTJNQPSUBOUUPUBLFGSFRVFOU CSFBLT FWFOGPSBGFXCSFBUIT0GmDFTUSFUDIFT JODSFBTFDMFBSUIJOLJOHBTXFMMBTIFMQJOHUPBWPJE DPNQVUFSPWFSVTFQSPCMFNTUIBUDBOBGGFDUZPVS DIFTU IBOET BOEBSNT*OUFSNJUUFOUCSFBUIJOHBOE TUSFUDIFTXJMMNBLFZPVBNPSFQSPEVDUJWFXPSLFS XIBUFWFSZPVEPGPSBMJWJOH An everyday habit 1FSTFWFSBODFJTTJNQMFXIFOZPVNBLFTUSFUDIFT BOFWFSZEBZIBCJU)BCJUTDBOCFGPSNFEJOBTMJUUMF BTEBZT TPTFUBHPBMPOZPVSDBMFOEBSGPSUIF OFYUEBZTBOEmOEPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSBTUSFUDI BUIPNF XPSL BOEQMBZ)BWFGBJUIUIFCPEZXJMM DIBOHF CVUPOMZXJUIQFSTJTUFODF4USFUDIJOHJO FWFSZEBZMJGFNBLFTUIBUQFSTJTUFODFFBTZ Take a twist break at the office. Sterker, fitter en daarmee gezonder én - zeker niet te vergeten - sexieer, zo’n krachtig getonede rug. Forget all those preconceived notions about the value of holding a stretch for an indefinite amount of time. Look toward your feet. Inversions and bending the spine over closed legs use your body weight as resistance to aid strengthening. US_006-007-Foreword.indd 6 86B$'LQGG 16/2/09 21:58:50 7 The stretches will reveal where your body needs help. Exhale, open the chest, lengthen up through your head, and look diagonally upward. Reading, one discovers how to re-direct movement patterns and habitual motions to … See this sequence as one feat of strength after another in an Olympic trial. Follow the instructions, mimic the basic shapes, and understand the cues. Don’t panic. The right arm, for example, is connected to the left leg and vice versa. Simultaneously press your low back and ribs against the floor. Repeat one more time. Take one wrist and, keeping your shoulders against the floor, inhale and pull the wrist toward the opposite side, sliding your upper body slightly along the floor in the same direction. Take up a hobby. You have to start somewhere. Feel a “V” of strength from the small of the low back to the points of the elbows. Repeat 2 more times, inhaling as you look up, and exhaling as you look down. The lateral system The lateral system connects the muscles and fascia (see p10) that run down the sides of the body. No problem! Hold onto your bottom knee. During this first program, learn to create focus by coordinating inner and outer muscles through the use of the cues and imagery. They don’t pay attention to their set-up. Start from the lower back, and move through the middle and upper back with a ripple effect to lift the chest and face diagonally toward the ceiling. Cross one leg over the other and turn in the direction of the crossed leg, just as in our Seated cross-leg twist (see p28). Allow your elbows to come backward. hold the abs pull the foot feel it here wake up the stretch US_028-029_AD442.indd 28 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 22:35:29 elongating shoulder wedge 15 Shoulder wedge Still seated, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Note how far you can go. — ISBN 985-438-715-1. 15 Minute Better Back Workout (Dorling Kindersley 2008) Better Back has four 15-minute workouts based on the Pilates Method. How To Do Jumping Jacks. This overhead pull is a sneaky way to stretch the sides of the torso, especially around the armpits, as well as stretching the sides of the hips and legs. Relaxation is great for renewing the body, mind, and spirit. The physical boundary of the chair not only provides landmarks so you can judge how far a stretch is moving, it can also give you a sense of your deep muscles, which can help if you feel your movement is restricted. Pages 130 Page size 518.8 x 666.2 pts Year 2011. Inhale and pull the hand behind the thigh toward your chest. Line up the bent-leg knee and toes straight ahead in front of the hip. Exhale, press your back into the floor, and lift one leg to the ceiling. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. tBe proactive in balancing healthy Balance and positivity tBalance work with play. The Balance point stretch literally pushes the trunk and head up against gravity. Switch legs and repeat. Continue rolling side to side for 3 sets. It aids with injury prevention, helps to minimize muscle soreness, and improves efficiency in all physical activities. I can’t reach it. The Shoulder ovals are confusing. use the hands if necessary 24 Switch legs, resume the “Z” sit, lengthen the back leg behind you, and renew your form. Then you can join them together again and you’re there! Never pull on the head. Relax, then repeat. Стретчинг - физические упражнения, направленные на растягивание разных групп мышц в человеческом теле. The Seated cross-leg 16/2/09 22:31:37 13/07/2009 14:55 twist and Shoulder wedge also show you how to press one body part against another to increase the stretch, as well as adding a strengthening element to your stretches. Copyright © 2020 SILO.PUB. lift over the “fence” tighten the abs anchor the feet strength stretch US_094-095_AD442.indd 95 86BB$'LQGG 17/2/09 09:53:18 96 lengthening flat back squat 5 Flat back squat Lift the abs and roll down your spine into a squatting position. Drape the other arm over the head to reach the ear. The best way to achieve full body flexibility is to take on the challenge of the low back, hips, and legs. [Suzanne Martin] -- If you want to stretch your body properly but don't have the time, find out how by following this stretching book and DVD set. This program also includes US_010-011_AD442.indd 11 some stretches specifically designed to glide the arm and leg nerves in their sheaths, which allows greater ease of motion. Stay for 2 breath cycles, then release your hands and feet and relax for another 2 breath cycles, breathing deeply. Stay, then pull backward a little more on the top knee. 15-minute Repeat, then relax and breathe normally. Where should I feel the stretch? Pilates Therapeutics® The Pelvic Core: More Exercise for a PainFree Life (2002) This DVD focuses on 24 balancing exercises to help low back and pelvic pain, knee problems, and post-pregnancy restoration. Extend one foot out on the floor in front of you, keeping the knee a little bent, and pressing the sole and big toe of the foot firmly on the floor. Notice how different movements feel, such as brushing your hair or pulling on a sweater or pants. — ISBN 5-04-007883-8. Our 15-minute programs make it possible to get exercise, even with the most crowded schedule. 1) Begin stretching the muscles of your legs and arms. Yet neither should you overlook the power of taking 25 seconds—four breath cycles—to feel the stretch in an everyday position or movement. Developing a healthy nightly ritual is essential in establishing an optimal renewal plan. What can I do? If you can’t reach your feet, hold onto your shins. press the heels down lift the abs feel it here flexibility stretch US_078-079_AD442.indd 78 86BB$'LQGG 18/2/09 12:58:40 lengthening straddle 79 19 Straddle Come to a sitting position, sitting evenly on your sitbones, with your legs open to at least a 90° angle, and with your toes pulled toward your head. This 15-minute full-body stretching routine can improve your range of motion, increase circulation, and calm your mind. A common mistake here is to let the weight of the hip move toward the front leg. Think of your body volumetrically, three-dimensionally. Thump the thighs to release the low back. Safety issues Be sure to get permission from your healthcare provider prior to beginning a new exercise program. 90º 70º 120º Test the mobility of your hips. Remember: compare only yourself to yourself to make the greatest gain. Coordinate the stretch between your head and legs. Download 15 Minute Stretching Workout . Firm the hips and pull your navel to your spine (see p17). For more information, check her website www.totalbodydevelopment.com 24/2/09 14:36:11. Sutore. lift the abs 18 Exhale, lengthen your back, then sway your hips and head toward each other. 18/2/09 22:32:51 13/07/2009 14:53 14 flexibility and posture Genetics dictate how flexible you are and also your postural body type. This, ultimately, will increase the range of movement of the whole of your upper body. If we do not work against gravity’s pull, then the longer we live, the more bent and deformed we become. Let your answers to these questions guide you to set yourself goals that will make an action a little easier or smoother. Notice the relationship of your hip, rib, head, arm, and leg placements. This sequence emphasizes the various techniques you’ll need and the sensory elements of stretch that together will help to make your stretch possible. Actively press the inner edges of your heels into the floor. A book under the pelvis (right, above) will help you to sit forward on the sitbones. 15-minute Exhale as you bend the top knee and then the bottom knee to roll onto the other side. feel it here 6 Exhale and roll your shoulders back and down. These simple exercises hold a key to your body’s potential. eyes follow the hand 20 Continue moving the arm and reach behind you to the floor, allowing your shoulders and torso to rotate with the arm. Sometimes flexibility is undesirable, especially if a person’s level of strength is too low to sustain the increased range of motion. Inhale and lift the shoulders, then slump and round your back, allowing your knees to lift. All energy expenditures beyond these basic abilities are unusual among those beings who are less developed than us, from an intelligence point of view. Anusara Yoga anusara.com. Correct stretching changes how your whole body looks, as well as providing pain relief and reducing stress. Squatting and then alternating the motion by reaching the hips upward in the Round back squat gives balance and leg strength as well as stretch. Taking your stretching to another level, perhaps by joining a yoga class, will challenge you to go farther and find your inner grace and balance. look up and out look at the navel feel it here feel it here wake up the stretch US_026-027_AD442.indd 26 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 22:34:11 opening seated cat 11 Seated cat Remain sitting toward the edge of your seat. Keep going in the same direction for 2 more ovals, then change direction and reverse for 2 more ovals. Be sure to feel the entire length of the “C,” from the wrist all the way to the ankle. What should I do? Take these tips to heart. So this sequence works on more than meets the eye. Let your knees open and allow your heels to touch slightly and come off the floor. They need to stretch and glide, too. Inhale, lift your groin muscles toward the head, lengthen your spine, and bow your head toward your knee. There is always a back door to a movement—a way in which you can break it down and simply perform parts of it until they transform into old, familiar friends. Sometimes pillows are worse because the knees dig into them. Compensating for bad habits Our bodies are remarkably forgiving because we still function, even with poor posture—rounded shoulders and a forward head, or a protruding belly or collapsing ankles. 15 minute stretching workout. Raising your leg to a 120° angle indicates an exceptional degree of mobility. Hold wherever it feels comfortable, either at the knee or lower down if you can. Try to imagine that you’re “joining the dots” as you weave your way through each and every movement. So persist. tModify when needed. feel it here 8 Inhale, pull one knee down toward the floor, and rock toward that side. 3) Print PDF available at the end of the infographic. Stretching is for everyone, male or female, naturally flexible or uncomfortably stiff. This exercise may feel difficult at first, but it can give you a very satisfying sense of relaxation. Why do I have to hold onto the bottom knee in the Quad stretch? Come up, shake your legs a little, and repeat on the other side. about Suzanne Martin Suzanne is a doctor of physical therapy and a goldcertified Pilates expert. Support your back by lifting the abs. Consistent practice definitely makes for improvement in this stretch. It’s just plain wise. feel it here make an oval wake up the stretch B$'LQGG 86BB$'LQGG 1 wake up the stretch US_034-035_AD442.indd 34 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 22:38:39 15 minute summary US_034-035_AD442.indd 35 86BB$'LQGG 16/2/09 22:38:58 wake up the stretch at a glance 1 ▲ Energizing Hand pull, page 22 13 ▲ Balancing Seated cross-leg twist, page 28 US_036-039_AD442.indd 36 86BB$'LQGG 2 3 4 ▲ Energizing Hand pull, page 22 ▲ Limbering Elbow circles, page 23 ▲L 14 135 1 ▲ Balancing Seated cross-leg twist, page 28 ▲ Elongating Shoulder wedge, page 29 ▲E 19/2/09 12:52:28 4 5 ▲ Limbering Elbow circles, page 23 ▲ Articulating Rib breath, page 24 16 17 ▲ Coordinating Alligator/Cat, page 30 9 6 ▲ Elongating Shoulder wedge, page 29 US_036-039_AD442.indd 37 86BB$'LQGG ▲ Articulating Rib breath, page 24 18 ▲ Coordinating Alligator/Cat, page 30 19/2/09 12:52:52 7 8 ▲ Coordinating Side reach, page 25 ▲ Coordinating Side reach, page 25 19 ▲ Opening Arm fans, page 31 1 9 ▲ Lengthening Lift & bow, page 26 ▲L 21 20 ▲ Opening Arm fans, page 31 US_036-039_AD442.indd 38 86BB$'LQGG ▲ Powering Modified cobra, page 32 22 ▲ Powering Modified co 19/2/09 12:53:15 10 11 12 ▲ Lengthening Lift & bow, page 26 ▲ Opening Seated cat, page 27 ▲ Opening Seated cat, page 27 23 ▲ Lengthening Shoulder ovals, page 33 dified cobra, page 32 US_036-039_AD442.indd 39 86BB$'LQGG 24 ▲ Lengthening Shoulder ovals, page 33 16/2/09 23:25:20 wake up the stretch FAQs 40 The wake up the stretch program is excellent for beginners as well as for someone looking for a lighter, more gentle stretch. 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To DK for being willing to include many concepts and unusual images in this book and communicate.