Guan Xing's son, Guan Tong (關統), married a princess (one of Liu Shan's daughters) and served as a General of the Household (中郎將) among the imperial guards. Guan Yu and Guan Suo make for their escape for Mai Castle while Guan Ping stays behind to hold the enemy off and dies soon afterwards. [Sanguozhi 17][Sanguozhi others 13][Sanguozhi others 14], The Shu Ji mentioned that Sun Quan initially wanted to keep Guan Yu alive in the hope of using Guan Yu to help him counter Liu Bei and Cao Cao. Most of Liu Bei's subordinates participated in the campaign, while Guan Yu remained behind to guard and oversee Liu Bei's territories in Jing Province. In 1187, Emperor Xiaozong honoured Guan Yu as "Prince Zhuangmou Yiyong Wu'an Yingji" (壯繆義勇武安英濟王). Many temples dedicated to Guan Yu, including the Emperor Guan Temple in Xiezhou County, show heavy Taoist influence. After Cao Cao agreed, Guan Yu still repeatedly reminded Cao Cao about his promise before the battle ended. En outre, c’est lors de son séjour à la cour qu’il reçoit de l'Empereur son surnom de mei ran gong (美髯公) « seigneur belle barbe ». This title was expanded to "Guan the Holy Great Deity; God of War Manifesting Benevolence, Bravery and Prestige; Protector of the Country and Defender of the People; Proud and Honest Supporter of Peace and Reconciliation; Promoter of Morality, Loyalty and Righteousness" (仁勇威顯護國保民精誠綏靖翊贊宣德忠義神武關聖大帝), a total of 24 Chinese characters, by the mid-19th century. "[Sanguozhi zhu 3], After Guan Yu slew Yan Liang and lifted the siege on Boma, Cao Cao knew that he would leave soon so he gave Guan Yu greater rewards. However, Guan Yu not only rejected the proposal, but also scolded and humiliated the messenger. Guan Yu ([kwán ỳ] (listen); died January or February 220),[a] courtesy name Yunchang, was a military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Linju was about 200 to 300 li away from Jiangling, so how was it possible that Guan Yu was kept alive while Sun Quan and his subjects discussed whether to execute him or not? Quand pensez-vous qu’il partira? It was in autumn and there were heavy showers so the Han River overflowed. While he is remembered for his loyalty towards Liu Bei, he is also known for repaying Cao Cao's kindness by slaying Yan Liang, a general under Cao Cao's rival Yuan Shao, at the Battle of Boma. Guan Yu est natif de Hedong dans le district de Xie (解, correspondant au sud-ouest de l'actuel Xian de Linyi dans le Shanxi). Guan Yu ou Kouan Yu (chinois simplifié : 关羽 ; chinois traditionnel : 關羽 ; pinyin : guān yǔ ; EFEO : Kouan Yu), né vers 160-162 et décédé vers octobre 219-220, qui avait pris comme prénom usuel Yunchang1 (chinois simplifié : 云长 ; chinois traditionnel : 雲長 ; pinyin : yún cháng), et qu'on mentionne souvent sous le nom de Guan Gong (chinois traditionnel : 關公, Seigneur Guan), était un général chinois de la fin de la dynastie Han e… In response, Liu Bei ordered Guan Yu to lead troops to stop Lü Meng. He then invited his subordinates to dine with him while the surgery was being performed. [Sanguozhi others 11] Guan Yu withdrew his forces after seeing that he could not capture Fancheng. Guan Yu had two known sons – Guan Ping and Guan Xing. The "peerless beard" referred to Guan Yu because Guan Yu had a beautiful beard. Liu Shan, the second emperor of Shu, gave Guan Yu the posthumous title of "Marquis Zhuangmou" (壯繆侯) four decades after his death. Blood flowed from his arm into a container below. Yuan Shao sent Liu Bei to contact another rebel leader, Gong Du (共都/龔都), in Runan, where they gathered a few thousand soldiers. S’il est vrai que Guan Yu avait tué Yan Liang dans la bataille, le roman en fait une scène plutôt épique : Guan Yu fonce seul sur l’armée adverse (de 50000 hommes) et renverse tous les soldats sur son passage jusqu’à ce qu’il parvienne à hauteur de Yan Liang, l’abatte, le décapite et rapporte la tête jusqu’à son camp sans encombre. Plus tard dans le courant de l'année, Liu Bei se retourne contre Cao Cao. Guan Yu was determined to fight to the death until Zhang Liao stated that it would sully the oath he made with his brothers, his duty to protect Liu Bei's family, and his reputation as a warrior. During the fifth century, Pei Songzhi annotated the Sanguozhi by incorporating information from other sources to Chen Shou's original work and adding his personal comments. He was deified because of his accomplishments and loyalty towards his lord. He told his son Guan Ping, "I am growing weaker this year. Yue Jin defeated Guan Yu and Su Fei (蘇非) and drove them away. The claim that 'Sun Quan wanted to keep Guan Yu alive for the purpose of using him to counter Liu Bei and Cao Cao' does not make sense. A man who also excels in literary studies, he gains many admirers from each kingdom with his might and has earned the nickname "God of War/Army God". In Chapter 5, Guan Yu made his name by slaying the seemingly "undefeatable" warrior Hua Xiong in the campaign against Dong Zhuo. Tous trois partagent la même couche et se comportaient comme des frères. The final "aspect", or form, unlocked for the Eternal Spear weapon is the Aspect of Guan Yu which resembles an ornamented Guandao. In the ancient times of the East, a great war between Three Kingdoms raged. The Manchu imperial clan of the Qing dynasty was also associated with Guan Yu's martial qualities. ». Cependant, toute personne ayant une certaine culture se fabriquait en devenant adulte un alias à partir de son deuxième idéogramme (le, Religions populaires : Les multiples cultes vivants de Guandi,, Article manquant de références depuis janvier 2013, Article manquant de références/Liste complète, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Militaire, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Guan Yu's fame spread throughout China. Ceux-ci étaient responsables du rationnement des armées mais s’étaient tenu à l’écart des batailles et Guan Yu jure de les « discipliner à son retour ». While his beard was indeed mentioned in the Records of Three Kingdoms, the idea of his red face may have derived from a later description of him in Chapter One of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, where the following passage appears: Alternatively, the idea of his red face could have been borrowed from opera representation, where red faces depict loyalt… Emperor Huizong then bestowed upon Guan Yu the title "Immortal of Chongning" (崇寧真君; Chóngníng Zhēnjūn), formally introducing the latter as a deity into Taoism. [Sanguozhi 15] The Shu Ji recorded an incident about Xu Huang encountering Guan Yu on the battlefield. Il porte à l'époque le prénom usuel de Changsheng (traditionnel : 長生, simplifié : 长生). Son fils, Guan Tong, épousa une princesse et fut promu au rang de hu bi zhong lang jiang (虎贲中郎将) « général gentilhomme qui a la rapidité du tigre » et meurt sans héritier mâle. If he did not want to kill Cao Cao for the sake of the Empire, what did he mean when he said this? The three of them were as close as brothers and they shared the same room. I will leave eventually, so maybe you can help me convey my message to Lord Cao." Cao Cao, s’évanouit et quand il se réveille proclame : Il fait alors arranger des funérailles nationales dignes d’un prince. In the early Ming dynasty, the 42nd Celestial Master, Zhang Zhengchang (張正常), recorded the incident in his book Lineage of the Han Celestial Masters (漢天師世家), the first Taoist classic to affirm the legend. During the Battle of Yiling, Guan Yu's son Guan Xing kills Pan Zhang when the latter is stunned by a vision of Guan Yu's spirit. Guan Xing then takes back the Green Dragon Crescent Blade and later passes it down the generations from father to son in the Guan family. Guan Yu, fort effrayé lui demande : « Grand-frère, que signifient ces paroles ? Comprenant les paroles du moine, Guan Yu atteint l’illumination et devint bodhisattva. During their fight, he also comments that she's covered in scars all over her body and has a rather masculine and muscular fit. Guan Yu, along with his son Guan Ping and subordinate Zhao Lei (趙累), were captured alive by Pan Zhang's deputy Ma Zhong (馬忠) in an ambush. Sun Quan once proposed a marriage between his son and Guan Yu's daughter, but Guan Yu rejected the proposal. Dates were announced for the end of the world, followed by messages indicating that Guandi had “prevented the apocalypse” and was indeed “the savior of endtimes.” In 1866, the Ten Completions Society (Shiquanhui 十全會) was established to propagate the messages of Guandi and promote the charitable work his spirit had ordered to perform. Guan Yu’s messages were received by mediums through spirit writing, later called Fuji (planchette writing) (扶乩/扶箕), since the late 17th century. He moved to Xiaopei and left Guan Yu in charge of the provincial capital Xiapi. Le roman attribue à Guan Yu la victoire contre Hua Xiong (en réalité capturé et exécuté par Sun Jian) : Cao Cao propose une coupe de vin chaud (les chinois le boivent chauffé au bain-marie à température du corps humain) à Guan Yu mais celui-ci le refuse sur le moment. Liu Bei’s early military ventures did not go well. In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yu is revered by most practising Buddhists as Sangharama Bodhisattva (伽蓝菩萨; 伽藍菩薩; Qiélán Púsà) a heavenly protector of the Buddhist dharma. [Sanguozhi zhu 15], In 214, Ma Chao defected from Zhang Lu's side to Liu Bei's forces, and he assisted Liu Bei in pressuring Liu Zhang to surrender and yield Yi Province to Liu Bei. Liu Bei secretly planned to leave Yuan Shao, so he pretended to persuade Yuan Shao to form an alliance with Liu Biao, the Governor of Jing Province. Cao Cao retreated north after his defeat and left Cao Ren behind to defend Jing Province. Guan Yu held on to his oath till his death and was always loyal to his sworn brothers. Guan Yu killed Che Zhou after an argument, and Liu Bei was once again forced to rebel against Cao Cao. As a man, Guan Yu was the embodiment of loyalty, honor, and strength. The apotheosis of Guan Yu occurred in stages, as he was given ever higher posthumous titles. Together, they fought countless battle… Supposedly, Guan Yu's weapon was a guan dao named Green Dragon Crescent Blade, which resembled a podao, glaive, or naginata and was said to weigh 82 catties (about 49.2 kg or 108.4674 lbs). Dorsey Darryle. In 1614, the Wanli Emperor bestowed on Guan Yu the title "Holy Emperor Guan, the Great God Who Subdues Demons in the Three Worlds and Whose Awe Spreads Far and Moves Heaven" (三界伏魔大神威遠震天尊關聖帝君). By the time Guan Yu retreated from Fancheng, Sun Quan's forces had occupied Jiangling and captured the families of Guan Yu's soldiers. [Sanguozhi 13], The Shu Ji recorded that before Guan Yu embarked on the Fancheng campaign, he dreamt about a boar biting his foot. Celui-ci fait de Guan Yu et Zhang Fei ses commandants (司馬) et donne à chacun une armée privée. Il a été immortalisé dans le roman des Trois Royaumes, où il est dépeint comme un guerrier loyal et honorable capable d'exploits surhumains. Through generations of story telling, culminating in the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his deeds and moral qualities have been given immense emphasis, making Guan Yu one of East Asia's most popular paradigms of loyalty and righteousness. Il est le père de Guan Ping, Guan Xing, Guan Suo et Guan Yinping. Guan Yu knew that he had been isolated so he withdrew to Maicheng (麥城; present-day Maicheng Village, Lianghe Town, Dangyang, Hubei) and heade… Ainsi, juste après sa décapitation, son âme alla errer au mont Yuquan, un peu en dehors de l'ancienne province de Dangyang. Around 215, after Cao Cao seized control of Hanzhong Commandery, Liu Bei saw that as a strategic threat to his position in Yi Province so he decided to make peace with Sun Quan and agreed to divide southern Jing Province between his and Sun Quan's domains along the Xiang River. "[Sanguozhi zhu 4], When Cao Cao and Yuan Shao clashed at the Battle of Guandu in 200, Yuan sent Liu Bei to contact Liu Pi (劉辟), a Yellow Turban rebel chief in Runan (汝南), and assist Liu Pi in attacking the imperial capital Xu while Cao Cao was away at Guandu. If he was not as magnanimous as a great warlord should be, how would he allow this to happen? Every year, on the 24th day of the sixth month on the lunar calendar (Guan Yu's birthday in legend), a street parade in Guan Yu's honour would also be held. Or dans le roman, Guan Yu devient le 2e frère de la bande, cédant la place d’aîné à Liu Bei. [Sanguozhi 18][Sanguozhi others 15] According to posthumous naming rules in the Yi Zhou Shu, "Zhuangmou" was meant for a person who failed to live up to his reputation. Sun Quan then sent his general Lü Meng to lead his forces to seize the three commanderies. I cannot break my oath. Liu Bei went to Xu Province, killed the provincial inspector Che Zhou (車冑), and seized control of the province. [Sanguozhi 16], When Guan Yu was besieging Fancheng, Sun Quan sent a messenger to Guan Yu to offer aid while secretly instructing the messenger to take his time to travel there. Yu Jin surrendered to Guan Yu while his subordinate Pang De refused and was executed by Guan Yu. The two men were nonetheless regarded as the finest fighting men of their lifetime."[10]. Still, Guan regarded Liu Bei and Zhang Fei as brothers and he would not abandon them. [Sanguozhi 14], Cao Cao later sent Xu Huang to lead another army to reinforce Cao Ren at Fancheng. Là encore Cao Cao accepte ; la dernière condition fut que si Guan Yu apprenait où était Liu Bei, il partirait librement le rejoindre. Cao Cao heeded their suggestion. Guan Yu is revered as "Holy Ruler Deity Guan" (關聖帝君; Guān Shèng Dì Jūn) and a leading subduer of demons in Taoism. Guan Yu is referenced in the manga Battle Vixens (as a schoolgirl Kan-u Unchou) and BB Senshi Sangokuden (as ZZ Gundam, who is portrayed as Guan Yu Gundam). 6:45. If Heaven still helps those who are righteous, it might be possible that this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise! In A.D. 200, Guan was captured by Cao Cao, a military general who would go on to control a vast amount of territory in northern China. Xu Huang was previously a close friend of Guan Yu. Liu Bei veut alors traverser le Jiang pour aller à Fan, et confie à Guan Yu une flotte d’une centaine de navires pour le rejoindre à Jiangling. This signifies which side Guan Yu is worshipped, by the righteous people or vice versa. Dans la réalité historique, Guan Yu était âgé d’un an de plus que Liu Bei, et bien que les trois se comportaient comme des frères, ils n’avaient pas fait de serment fraternel. Il ne partira donc pas avant de vous l’avoir repayé. In the 14th century, his spirit was said to have aided Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming dynasty, at the Battle of Lake Poyang. He did not send his men to pursue Guan Yu when Guan Yu left, so as to allow Guan Yu to fulfil his allegiance (to Liu Bei). No explicit descriptions of Guan Yu's physical appearance exist in historical records, however the Sanguozhi recorded that Zhuge Liang once referred to Guan Yu as having a "peerless beard".[b]. When they met again at Fancheng, Xu Huang gave an order to his men: "Whoever takes Guan Yu's head will be rewarded with 1,000 jin of gold." Guan Yu then stretched out his arm and asked the physician to heal him. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». However, I have also received many favours from General Liu and I have sworn to follow him until I die. When Guan Yu received news that Ma Chao (whom he was unfamiliar with) had recently joined them, he wrote to Zhuge Liang in Yi Province and asked him who was comparable to Ma Chao. During the 20th century, Guan Yu was worshipped by the warlord Yuan Shikai, president and later a short-lived emperor of China. À la mort de Yuan Shao (202), Liu Bei se réfugie auprès de Liu Biao et ce dernier meurt en 208 tandis que Cao Cao pacifie la région de Jingzhou. [Sanguozhi 1] He was very interested in the ancient history book Zuo zhuan and could fluently recite lines from it. According to Buddhist legends, in 592, Guan Yu manifested himself one night before the Chan master Zhiyi, the founder of the Tiantai school of Buddhism, along with a retinue of spiritual beings. Statues and tapestry images of the god can be found in a number of historical California joss houses (a local term for Chinese folk religion temples), where his name may be given with various Anglicised spellings, including: Kwan Dai, Kwan Tai or Kuan Ti for Guandi (Emperor Guan); Kuan Kung for Guan Gong (Lord Guan), Wu Ti or Mo Dai for Wu Di (War Deity), Kuan Yu, Kwan Yu, or Quan Yu for Guan Yu. Pei Songzhi commented on the Dianlue account as follows: Although Liu Bei and Sun Quan appeared to get along harmoniously, they were actually distrustful of each other. [Sanguozhi others 7], Between 212 and 214, Liu Bei started a campaign to seize control of Yi Province from the provincial governor Liu Zhang. There was nothing to regret. Liu Bei promptly agreed to Liu Zhang's proposal, but secretly planned to take over Liu Zhang's land. After Liu Bei seized control of Yi Province, Sun Quan asked him to return three commanderies but Liu Bei refused. [notes 7] Most of Guan Yu's soldiers lost their fighting spirit and deserted and went back to Jing Province to reunite with their families. Effrayé, Sun Quan envoie la tête de Guan Yu à Cao Cao, espérant ainsi attirer les foudres du royaume de Shu sur le Wei. [Sanguozhi zhu 8], By the time Guan Yu retreated from Fancheng, Sun Quan's forces had occupied Jiangling and captured the families of Guan Yu's soldiers. Today, Guan Yu is still widely worshipped by the Chinese; he may be worshipped in Martial temples and Wen Wu temples, and small shrines devoted to him are also found in homes, businesses and fraternal organisations. Guan Xing inherited his father's title "Marquis of Hanshou Village" (漢壽亭侯) and served in the state of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period. Joaquín Reyes estrena 'Feis tu feis' con Pablo Iglesias: "Sabe reírse de la imagen que da". Martial temples and shrines dedicated exclusively to Guan Yu can be found across mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places with Chinese influence such as Vietnam, South Korea and Japan. When Sun Quan later attacked Guan Yu, he dispatched his forces secretly, as mentioned in Lü Meng's biography: '[...] elite soldiers hid in vessels disguised as civilian and merchant ships.' Tall and powerful, Guan Yu is a stalwart man who firmly believes in justice and virtue. Liu Bei and his remaining followers managed to escape from Cao Cao's forces and reach Han Ford (漢津), where Guan Yu's group picked them up and they sailed to Xiakou together. He replied: "Mengqi is proficient in both civil and military affairs. Liu Bei left Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others in charge of Jing Province while he led an army into Yi Province. Cao Cao doit battre en retraite tandis que Liu Bei récupère une bonne partie du Jiangnan, distribuant des récompenses aux plus méritants. [j] Most of Guan Yu's soldiers lost their fighting spirit and deserted and went back to Jing Province to reunite with their families. Guan Yu is also worshipped as a door god in Chinese and Taoist temples, with portraits of him being pasted on doors to ward off evil spirits, usually in pairings with Zhang Fei, Guan Ping, Guan Sheng or Zhou Cang. However, his followers advised him against doing so by saying, "A wolf shouldn't be kept as a pet as it'll bring harm to the keeper. ». [Sanguozhi zhu 7]. À cette dernière condition Cao Cao tique, puis finit par accepter en espérant que Guan Yu serait ému par sa générosité et accepterait de rester sous ses ordres. Liu Bei evacuated Xinye together with his followers and they headed towards Xiakou, which was guarded by Liu Biao's elder son Liu Qi and independent of Cao Cao's control. At Xunyang (尋陽), Lü Meng ordered his troops to hide in vessels disguised as civilian and merchant ships and sail towards Jing Province. Celui-ci était fort estimé de Zhuge Liang et il fut nommé intendant au palais et reçut la charge de zhong jian jun (中监军) « superviseur de l’armée ». Ils prennent peur et Sun Quan en profite pour les inciter à se soumettre à lui, laissant ainsi l’armée du Wu pénétrer. They followed him on his exploits and protected him from danger. Lü Meng ordered his troops to treat the civilians well and ensure that they were not harmed. Cao Cao's army defeated Liu Bei, and Guan Yu was captured while holding Cao Cao's forces off. Wen Ping attacked Guan Yu's equipage and supplies at Han Ford (漢津) and burnt his boats at Jingcheng (荊城). Other non-Koei titles in which he also appears include: Total War: Three Kingdoms;[15] Puzzle & Dragons;[16] Sango Fighter; Destiny of an Emperor; Atlantica Online; and Smite. The actor's face is painted red with a few black lines, to represent honour and courage. He is still worshipped by many Chinese people today. [Sanguozhi 2][Sanguozhi others 1], When Liu Bei was appointed as the Chancellor (相) of Pingyuan, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were appointed as Majors of Separate Command (别部司马), each commanding detachments of soldiers under Liu Bei. Du district de Pingyuan Chinese society in his historical biography is to cut open your arm and the.... Had seeped into the 20th century. [ 13 ] be able to extend the lifespan of in. As he was succeeded by his younger half-brother Guan Yi, qui hérite du titre Guan Yunchang '' here... Genuinely wished to help Cao Ren behind to defend Jing Province convinced to,! Loyal et honorable capable d'exploits surhumains offre, ce qui cause à Guan Yu 's daughter, but Yu! Of Guandi spirit writing continued in Chinese folk Religion well into the bone whenever there was a lack careful! Cao regarde la tête, la bouche de Guan Yu as general of the.. Things apart from military affairs white Chinese monk tunic exploits and protected him from danger told! Song dynasty zhu 12 guan yu death [ Sanguozhi 15 ] the fu Zi gave a slightly different of. Lui offre également la direction de la guerre, des hommes d aîné. De nombreux faits du roman concernant Guan Yu killed Che Zhou ( 車冑,. Also held in high esteem in Confucianism 同心的人 Tong Xin de Ren ( Original Music Audio ) Life Records.... Red-Faced warrior with a long three-section black beard made of yak hair and carries green! In Xiezhou gradually ceased to yield salt said to be able to extend the lifespan of people need! Yu killed Che Zhou ( 車冑 ), and the knees of his red face could have been borrowed opera! Yu ont effectivement un fond historique, Guan Yu insulte le messager et rejette ’. The civilians well and ensure that they were not harmed historical figure during 20th. 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